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3 D’s to better health

3 D’s to better health

3 D's to better health

We are living in times where information on the importance of your health is all around you. If you’ve been connected to Providence, you are aware that we encourage women to be proactive in choosing the best health options, with the annual well woman checkup to take priority in this call to action.

Between your visits, there are actions you can take that compliment your medical care that only requires your presence and just a few things that you may have hanging around the house. Let’s explore the simple D’s to better health that will help you along the way….


Decluttering is an experience that has many layers. Starting with the physical layer of decluttering a home, office, car, closet, etc, removing and organizing items opens space and clears the area to allow energy to move freely in the space. This opening is very important for your oxygen intake and to rid stagnant energy that has been trapped in areas due to clutter.

Free flowing areas allow positive energy to enter your space.

Decluttering can also act as an emotional experience. As we rid of things unwanted and no longer needed, we are also eliminating stagnant energy in our own bodies and energy fields. This experience can be freedom from stagnant and trapped emotions that affect your overall health.


Detoxing is a great way to reset the body for the nutrients it needs. Detoxing is necessary to cleanse the body of toxins that aren’t necessarily removed organically through extractors like sweat, feces, urine and breathing, even if you have a healthy diet.

Here are some benefits you can experience for your overall health through detoxing.

Diminish Negativity

Have you ever paid attention to your thoughts? Do you complain a lot about things you can or can not control? Is the world and the people in it always against you or do you often have issues with your relationships to other people, places or things?

\If you answered yes to any of these questions, you need a mind reset. No amount of doctors visits or super and plant foods can replace counter the effects of negative thought patterns that continue to troll the psyche.

Negative thoughts not only sends signals to the nervous system that keeps you in certain feeling patterns. A shift in a thought process can add years to your life span.

Negative thoughts…

Consistent negative thought patterns can cause chronic dis-ease in the body. Here are a few suggestions to reach for a better feeling perspective in life.

  1. Find something to be thankful for by choosing points in your life that are going well to focus on.
  2. Go to a place in your childhood memories where you were happy and revisit it often.
  3. Go to your heart center and breath in this space for a while to shift fMeditate
  4. Do something that makes you happy.

Keep in mind that the only person that can control how you think is you. This in one area in your life where you can be proactive in shifting to a better feeling place.

These three D’s are no to low cost measures that can assist on your overall health and wellness, whether you are pregnant, planning, have children, without child or in your mature years. You don’t have to begin all at one time. Start modestly with choosing one task, then move on to the next, until it becomes a consistent pattern in your life. Your overall health will thank you for it.

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